8 Small Business Survival Tips for 2021

✨?✨ Take advantage of the power of digital marketing to stay top-of-mind to a larger audience, sustain operations, and adapt to the shifting demands. ⁣⁣
?   Boost your online visibility by capitalizing on your social media channels. Provide valuable content, live feeds or Stories/Reels, entertainment, etc. Stay visible, stay in mind.⁣⁣
?   Upload your products and services online and create a virtual store front. For some specific businesses, this may require a higher level of creativity and technical skills to identify sources of income. A digital marketing agency can offer such services.⁣⁣
?   Stay connected with your existing customers via emails and your social channels giving them updates about your operations and services, pre-sell gift cards that can be used once regular business resumes, or show them how you’re sanitizing your restaurant for example to keep them safe.⁣⁣
?.  Conduct a review of your online platforms and CRM’s for brand strategies, funnels, leads generation, cost analysis, and projected trends. Do a database clean-up or systems fix-up to streamline your Marketing efforts.⁣⁣
⁣?   Incorporate Public Relations and Communications best practices in your digital marketing campaigns and correspondences (blog posts, email newsletters, keyword search) in lieu of the covid19 crisis to highlight the needs of your customers and how you can address those. It will help build trust and confidence on you and your brand.⁣⁣
?   Raise your website traffic and SEO game by updating your optimization strategies and content marketing on a weekly basis to get you on the first page or top of Search results so your customers, existing or potential, can find and connect with you. Monitor your keywords for trends and incorporate those on your blogs and other website content.⁣⁣
⁣?.  Invest in social media paid ads and Google’s PPS’s (pay-per-click) to increase traffic on your social storefront or website. ⁣⁣
?   Explore collaboration or affiliate marketing with experts and influencers. It’s a strategy employed with external partners to market your product or service with a backlink to your website, then they earn a commission for a successful lead or sales.⁣⁣
Although we are not quite out of the woods yet with the covid19 pandemic, I believe that business owners and solopreneurs are much stronger and tenacious than ever before.⁣⁣
⁣⁣We need to be patient and prepare for the market recovery.⁣⁣ Stay positive stay resilient.

::::: Nina

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